Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Blue Striped Pyjamas

I can't remember now.
I can't remember how I got here.
All I see are ghost like people everywhere.
Unclean, filthy, skinny people,
who walked around with a tortured look on their faces.
The setting was miserable,
just like the people in it,
and I felt out of place.
When I feel like I should leave,
I suddenly remember why I am here.
And I stay.
Because a friend in need is a friend indeed.
That is why I am here,
in a ghost town,
wearing striped blue pyjama's.
As we walk,
me and my last friend,
the sky begins to thunder,
and everything seems dimmer.
We hunt and hunt,
from one hut to another,
looking, searching, shouting,
praying that we achieve our goal.
Then, my friend runs into the last hut we scavenge through,
and then, I don't understand what happens.
The guards- 
dressed just like those who work for my father, my country-
shout rudely, 
push and shove at all who seek some relief
in this small, gloomy, dark hut.
Now, a river of ghosts pour out,
dragging us frantically along,
and then it begins to rain.
What was this place?
This is no haven for then enemy;
this place is Hell,
tormenting people for eternity.
At last we are thrown towards a shelter,
that hid us from the rain,
but also hid us from all.
Then everybody was ordered to remove our uniform,
which I followed, thinking that this would soon be over.
Mostly naked, the river resumed its course,
flowing finally into a small room,
much to tiny to hold everybody,
but there was no choice.
Now I felt fear,
a feeling of anxiety rushed through me,
and I suddenly wondered:
What if I have been believing the wrong facts this whole time?
The lights went our,
and many emotions bloomed in me;
I was confused,
wondering what the light had to do with anything.
In all of this, I turned to my friend for reassurance,
but, even in the dark I could make out,
that he was as confused and scared as I am.
From above, light filled the room,
and now, me and my last friend, held onto each other,
waiting for it to be over.
Something dropped in bits from above,
and as quickly as it came, 
the light was gone.
But then my sense were burning;
my eyes were on fire,
my ears were ringing,
I couldn't breathe, my lungs felt like they were melting,
my body felt like it was in hot oil.
I used all the strength I could muster,
to shout in pain,
to bang on the iron walls of this doomed pit,
to beg for mercy.
And then, my vision failed,
I couldn't hear anything,
I couldn't feel anything.
Slowly I felt myself fading away,
and then...
I felt nothing.

(Inspired by the movie "The Boy In Striped Pyjamas")

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